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What form of organization makes the most sense for my project? How can I employ someone and what responsibilities does this entail? What are important points that should be regulated contractually, and which insurances are recommended? Production managers Lukas Piccolin and Aline Stäheli address these questions and give an overview of the most important areas that come into play as an employer in the cultural field.

Overview of the most common company structures (sole proprietorship, GmbH, association, etc.)

Erste Schritte bei der Vereinsgründung (SVA-Anmeldung, Kontoeröffnung, Versicherung etc.)

Überblick über Anstellungsverhältnisse im Kulturbereich

​Kompetenzen und Aufgabenbereiche von Produktionsleitenden und Arbeitsgeber:innen 

​Sept. 8, 2025, 9 am –4 pm​

The course is for production managers, producing artists and anyone who wants to become one.

Your computer and a current project in planning to work on. The course is held in German, so good German comprehension is important.

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The course is led by Daniela Lehmann and another person. Information will follow.


Daniela Lehmann has worked in the independent dance and theater scene as well as at institutions such as the Zurich Opera House, the Zurich Schauspielhaus, the 500 Years Reformation Festival and the Schlachthaus Theater and Dampfzentrale in Bern, and brings experience in the areas of production management, dramaturgy and programming. Today she is co-director of ZÜRICH TANZT and works as a freelance dramaturge. At artFAQ she is happy to answer questions about setting up and strategically aligning production structures, human resources and social security, dossiers and budgets, fundraising and networking.

© Photo Isabelle Simmen



Registration is currently open for the course on September 8, 2025 , 9 am to 4 pm
Registration deadline: August 25, 2025

Thank you for your application. After the registration deadline, the course places will be allocated on the basis of the descriptions received. You will be informed by e-mail after the registration deadline whether you can attend the desired course.

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